Fresh Thai Mango Organic Vape Juice - Mango E Liquid - Kai's Virgin Vapor, A Private Vape Club

Fresh Thai Mango

Nicotine Level

  • While some mango aficionados have debated us on the finer points of whether this is a true Thai mango or one of the more exotic mango varietals found on the Indian subcontinent, we know what we know.  Sweetness and tang!  Zing!  Case closed.  Check mate.

  • This flavor is extremely potent, highly concentrated, resulting in a very pure e-liquid that contains no colorants, fillers, diluting agents or preservatives and is also vegan, sugar-free and gluten-free.

    These precious flavor essences make our e-liquids an amazing delight to the senses!

    Flavors are all pure extractions from fruits, flowers and nuts (any flavor that includes nuts is noted below).

    • Organic USP Grade Vegetable Glycerin
    • Tobacco Free Nicotine (when 0 mg is NOT ordered)
    • Natural Flavors
  • Click here to access our Certifications and Regulatory Compliance Page

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