Kai's Virgin Vapor Blog tagged "Vaping News" - Kai's Virgin Vapor, A Private Vape Club

USPS Vape Mail Ban Now In Effect

October 21, 2021

Sales temporarily suspended as we make the shift to private carriers.

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BREAKING NEWS: The Vapocalypse May Be Upon Us

September 08, 2021

It appears that the FDA is preparing to unleash a tsunami of marketing order denials that threatens to wipe out the entire vape industry in one fell swoop.

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Landmark Scientific Paper Changes the Vaping Debate

September 06, 2021

A truly remarkable paper was just published in the American Journal of Public Health challenging the prevailing narrative on vaping.

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FDA Pulls Another 4.5 Million Vapes Off the Market

August 25, 2021

When the FDA put out its list of vape products for which a PMTA was filed before the September 9th deadline, it was difficult to miss the fact that over 65% of the vape juices on the list were all made by one company: JD Nova Group.

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FDA Issues Warning Letter to Company With 15 Million Illegal Vape Products

August 02, 2021

The FDA just took out a company with 15 million illegal vape products listed. The website was dark before the announcement even hit the news. The black market is now officially on notice.

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Big Vape: the Rise & Fall of Juul

July 27, 2021

There's a new book out chronicling the fascinating but cautionary tale that is the company Juul. Check out the ad campaign that has the company in hot water.

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Supreme Court Declines to Hear Challenge to FDA Vape Authority

June 18, 2021

Did the FDA overstep its authority by deciding to include vape products under the Tobacco Control Act? The Supreme Court says no.

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San Francisco Sees Surge in Teen Smoking After Banning Vapes

June 01, 2021

San Francisco's ill considered and hypocritical flavored vape ban backfires big time. Let's hope other cities are watching and learning.

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The Next FDA Commissioner May Decide the Future of Vaping

May 10, 2021

We've got the inside gossip on the Biden Administration's two top picks for FDA Commissioner. The winner will have tremendous power over your freedom to vape. Here's who to hope for!

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Biden Admin Mulling Massive Reduction in Cigarette Nicotine Levels

May 03, 2021

The Biden Administration is apparently considering requiring tobacco companies to cut the nicotine levels in cigarettes to "nonaddictive or minimally addictive levels." But that's not all.

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PACT Act: Delayed!

April 26, 2021

The USPS vape mail shipping ban was expected to hit Sunday night but it didn't happen. Here's what we know so far.

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Who Loves the PACT Act?

April 05, 2021

You know how we love silver linings? Well, we think we may have found another one, and in the strangest of places!

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State Vape Taxes: Get Ready to Pay Dearly

March 09, 2021

Thanks to the PACT Act, prepare to be charged excise tax, better known as tobacco tax. Is your state on the list?

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The Synthetic Nicotine Loophole

October 27, 2020

Now that the FDA's PMTA deadline has passed, companies are scrambling to find loopholes that will allow them to stay in business. One idea seems to be on solid regulatory ground: synthetic nicotine. What is it and is it really legal?

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Bernie Sanders Threatens to "Shutdown" the Vape Industry!

March 20, 2020

Bernie Sanders publicly threatened to shut down the vaping industry but that's nothing compared to Michael Bloomberg who dreams of becoming the Grinch who stole vaping's Christmas. Biden seems every bit as anti-vaping so if you vape and you vote Democrat, now is the time to make your voice heard!

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BREAKING: Trump to Kill HR 2339!

February 28, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Trump to kick HR 2339's vape destroying ass! Yeah, that's right, suck it, Congress!

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Study Linking Vaping to Heart Attacks: RETRACTED!

February 24, 2020

The Journal of the American Heart Association has issued an official retraction of the June 5th, 2019 study they published purporting to find that vaping doubles the risk of having a heart attack.

All we can say is, it's about time.

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The Leslie Kux Loophole Fails

February 21, 2020

Following up on our original report about the unconstitutional signatory at the FDA who signed off on the FDA's notorious Deeming Rule, we report on the outcome of a David vs. Goliath battle a few small, brave vape companies waged against the FDA. Viva la resistance!

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PMTA or Bust

July 30, 2019

The FDA clock counting down to the demise of the vast majority of the vaping industry has officially started ticking. Meanwhile, Acting FDA Commissioner Ned Sharpless doubles down with an anti-scientific smear campaign against vaping.

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The Revolving Door: FDA's Gottlieb Joins Pfizer Board

July 11, 2019

During his time at FDA, Gottlieb used questionable tactics to push for draconian regulations against the vaping industry. Now he's walked right into a lucrative seat on the board of the maker of the quit smoking drug Chantix. Let's connect a few of these dots, shall we?

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R.J. Reynolds vs. JUUL: Corporate Cat Fight!

June 26, 2019

It isn't often that I find myself agreeing with R.J. Reynolds, maker of Camel, Pall Mall, and Newport cigarette brands, but there's finally something that unites us: hatred of the e-cigarette behemoth JUUL.

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Devastating News for the Vaping Industry

June 15, 2019

Devastating new developments in the last 24 hours may have just dealt the fatal blow to the vaping industry as we know it.

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FDA Finalizes Guidance For Premarket Tobacco Product Applications

June 13, 2019

The FDA just issued a press release announcing that it had published guidelines needed for companies to submit Premarket Tobacco Product Applications. What does this mean for vapers and the vaping industry?

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FDA's Deeming Rule Deemed Unconstitutional!!!

May 21, 2019

A shocking new study by the Pacific Legal Foundation discovered that 98% of FDA rules since 2001 have been issued unconstitutionally. And, yes, that would include the Deeming Rule currently threatening to decimate the American vaping industry.

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